7/28/09 8:16:05 PM
The Collective Conscience

Our infinite Namaste Journey

Jena M Greer

About the Author-

It’s all about feeling music, loving yourself, expressing love to those around you- It’s about being the bigger person, and getting up quickly each time we fall.  It’s about feeling beautiful when we are vulnerable, it’s about acknowledging fear so that we may become fearless.  It’s about honoring each other, it’s about laughter and knowledge, and an open mind and an open heart. It’s about trusting yourself enough to know who to give this beautiful gift of self to.  It’s about me and it’s about you, for we are in our truest selves ONE collective consciousness.

JMG   -   Namaste Journey  2006

my goal-   To “CoExist and Assist without Exclusion”   jmg 2008


The beginning that always was, always is…

A consciousness aware of itself, the balance of Sophia and the Logos,
Energy and light.  

Sophia, mother of manifestation *  Logos, Father of Intention and thought.
From a place of No limits, a point of No time.

An idea of existence arose from the Logos, and with its equal Sophia, the idea was manifested into existence as Matter.  Together they created, their thoughts began to build upon one another.  From the first string, to  the Cosmic microcosm - macrocosm and variety we know of today.

We, meaning ALL consciousness,  the collective consciousness.  The subset from which we are all connected. The proof that no matter how many splintered off souls there are, we started as ONE and no matter how many experiences we collect, we will not feel whole until we reconnect!

    “Will we ever reconcile in mass amounts?  
    So we may collectively manifest the change
            we want to see in the world”  

Perhaps even step outside the possibility that we ONLY exist within a single world during a single lifetime.  And plausibly become aware Alchemically that we exist simultaneous and multi-dimensional.
And to manifest our intentions from a place of LOVE.  A Cosmic Merkabic Ascension!

We as a collective consciousness, have been creating worlds throughout our Universe for infinity.  Each world has a particular genetic code or DNA for One race, once culture, with One language, One story of their creation or manifestation on that planet, it’s creator etc…

These civilizations had a limited focus so quite quickly they became masterful, structured, and successful in their trades, medicinal needs, technology and so forth.

Each world different, strong and magnificent in it’s own rite.  Yet, each world has one similarity, the inability to CoExist with beings from other worlds.

    *Wrap your mind around this for a change*

Each world has a beginning or creation story, all of  which are unique.  

Creation Story
Belief of what or whom created
Way of life
Mastering that life
Evolution and Ascension

As each of the worlds throughout the universe became master races, without further idea for expansion and evolution, a type of conformity took place within each of them.  A longing for newness, a longing for there to be more to life began to consume all the worlds.

And so we began the experiment;  A mixing of worlds became our quest. To learn more, to learn different than our segregated worlds had to offer.  But with the mixing came disagreements, fighting and even death.  

We the collective, have found that we as individuals forget that we are all connected;  Whether during childhood or adolescence, and some forgot as early as our birth.

Forgetting our very essence left us with holes in our souls, these holes needed to be filled, so we went to our beliefs to fill the void and feel whole again.

When beings form other worlds came into our existence, bringing with them their own beliefs and convictions just as passionately as we had our own.  It made all of us doubt ourselves and what we stood for.  

How could our beliefs be so different from theirs, who was right, who was wrong?   Then fear arose and out of that fear came anger and hatred.  With the doubt returned the void and emptiness we each had felt as we each forgot the origin in which we came from.  

And we as individuals with pride and ego, or those who had been dogmatically programmed with creators and creations, became intrinsically defensive, angry or displaced.

We wanted desperately to feel whole again, to know that what we had believed in, what we stood for, what we knew to be true was in fact true.  So we as individuals or groups of similar beliefs set out to prove that we were right and they were wrong.

On the way to guarding our truth, we became “stuck”, we got hung up on the dispute, and “flow” became sparatic, even ceasing to some of us.  This only due to the fact that we stopped allowing the universal abundance to flow to us through our universal connection as a collective consciousness.

This is our origin, and this beginning is all that matters, this creation is the first one, the one that connects all of us.  Every life we live, every experience we have outside of the collective is merely that,  an experience!

There is NO reason to argue beliefs because each lifetime we have a different experience with different beliefs unless we choose otherwise.  There are certain ascended masters capable of returning and remembering, such as the Buddha’s or perhaps even those such as Edgar Cayce, although rare, they return as mentors for ascension.

The origin of the collective at its most fundamental level is ONE.
Understanding that all creation does not reside in each life experience and creation circumstance for that world, or religion, etc…  Will help us to understand the importance of the planet we now reside on and the experiment-taking place on it.   

A semi-guided chance to learn to CoExist with all brothers and sisters from other worlds, so that we all may broaden our experiences and gain new knowledge from each culture and life experience.  So we may continue to explore varieties and ways of life that are no longer limited to our previous one world one race existence.  

The Watchers  will return again to see how we’ve grown in harmony, and to decide who will survive the cleansing of the Earth in 2012 and carry out humanity.

7/28/09 9:27:31 PM  jmg